What's Your Roommate Dealbreaker?

Nov. 18, 2015 — In an unusual survey, BrickUnderground interviewed New Yorkers on their neighborly pet peeves. The question for these sleep talkers was whether they preferred the annoyance of loud neighbors or smelly ones (keeping in mind that smell can mean anything from cooking smells to smoking and beyond). One Sugar Hill respondent preferred smell to noise, which was called “stressful, especially if it’s fighting or a dog or something and it never stops.” Mack in Jackson Heights chose noise, because, “whatever it is, I can handle them. If it’s too loud for me, I’ll go over there and tell them, and if they continue, I have no problem elevating my complaint.” But the final word comes from Vinnie, who is willing to put up with smells for the cash: “My roommate has B.O. and I hate it. But he pays his rent on time.” Way to go, Vinnie!