New State Green Incentive Includes Co-ops, Condos

Post-Issue Update: June 23, 2008 The Associated Press reported late yesterday afternoon that New York State Governor David A. Patterson, Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver hammered out a "green housing" agreement during closed-doors negotiations over the weekend . A new grant program aimed at providing incentives for energy-efficient homes will provide state homeowners up to $7,500 for single and two-family houses, $11,250 for buildings with three to six units and $15,000 for buildings with more than six units.

To be eligible for the grants which like similar existing incentives will be administered through the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) building owners, including cooperative-apartment corporations and condominium associations, must follow "green building" standards. In developing the program, NYSERDA will consider existing standards such as those of the non-profit organization the U.S. Green Building Council, with issues LEED energy-efficient building certifications.

Guidelines for applying for the grant have not yet been established.

“As a state and as a nation, we need to take every step possible to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and conserve energy and natural resources," the governor said in a statement. "This legislation is a step towards that goal."

Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, Chair of the Assembly Energy Committee said, "This legislation was a direct response to rising energy costs and new developments in green technology. Given the large amount of energy used by residential homes, meeting energy facilities owned and operated by state government and meeting energy and resource performance standards would result in decreased energy use and increased use of recycled materials."

The governor and First Lady Michele Paige Paterson are themselves committed to the “Greening the Mansion” initiative, which will culminate in the Executive Mansion becoming green-certified.


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