Condo Board Battling NYU Over a Breezeway ... Or Is It a Beachhead?

NYU Institute of Fine Arts, 1 E. 78th Street, 3 E. 78th Street

Photo NYU Institute of Fine Arts from 2014 Annual program book Click to enlarge

New York University Institute of Fine Arts

June 9, 2014New York University  is fighting with its neighbors again — but this time, the miffed neighbor is a condo board. The New York Times is reporting that NYU is trying to connect its Institute of Fine Arts, on the Upper East Side, to a newly donated, ground-floor condominium apartment next door at 3 East 78th Street. The issue? The university wants to create a covered passageway — a breezeway — in an alley between the buildings. But the condo board objects, saying it suspects NYU is using the apartment as a beachhead to eventually buy up the whole building, and that having students as a permanent presence will hurt apartments' market values — said apartments being owned by the likes of the president of Dannon.

The fight, which by now also involves the Landmarks Preservation Commission and Community Board 8, is currently at a stalemate.


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