Airtec Novent Anti-Huffing Refrigerant Locks

July 29 , 2010 — Now we've heard everything ... and that's not a wisecracking setup for one of the usual jaunty co-op / condo New Product descriptions. Because this week, we've got a product that could directly save someone's life — and help prevent any co-op or condo with a central air-conditioning system from potential liability. And we could not explain why any more eloquently than does Don Langston, who as vice president / general manager of the southern California HVAC company AireRite wrote a 2003 article about the death of one of his service technicians.
"Our 27-year-old technician was leaning forward, in a kneeling position. A refrigerant hose attached to a new 30-lb. cylinder of HCFC-22 was in his mouth. His face was discolored from the freezing effect the refrigerant has on soft tissue. Upon looking at his face and the contorted position of his body, I knew he was dead. The 911 call brought the police, fire, and paramedics, and then the crime scene and coroner’s investigators.
"Over the next several hours [I was] educated about 'huffing,' a term used for the intentional inhaling of refrigerants with the goal of getting high. Over the years we have had a few refrigeration systems that were out of gas with the caps missing, but we chalked it up to kids trying to find a cheap buzz. I never would have thought an EPA-certified technician who had worked for us almost three years would want to intentionally inhale refrigerant."
That's an extreme case, but when a preventive measure is as inexpensive and easily implemented as locking caps — which cover the access ports on residential certain air conditioning and related equipment — it makes eminent sense to investigate it. The corrosion-resistant Novent locking caps screw onto standard Schraeder valves, but require a special screwdriver or key-ring wrench to remove. Color-coded to avoid accidental refrigerant mixing, they're built with oil and sealant-resistant neoprene O-rings for tight seals, with an integral torque limiter prevents over-tightening.
Huffing refrigerants. Now we've heard everything. And having heard, we can protect ourselves and others.
Airtec Products Corp. • 1244 Davol Strett, Fall River, Mass. 02720 • (508) 675-2669 • toll-free (800) 3AIRTEC (324-7832) •