American Permalight Bumper Guards

Oct. 23, 2009 — Last week, we showed you space gloves for your super. (Seriously: strong, lightweight work gloves containing the same foam used on Space Shuttle seats.) This week, we help you protect not your staff's hands, but their heads. It's up to you, of course, to protect their hearts. I think we've written about CPR and defibrilators here. Or, y'know, chocolate and flowers always work.

So, anyway, there are lots of sharp and dangerous surfaces in your basement and boiler room. There are also lots of sharp and dangerous lawyers, ready to file personal-injury lawsuits. But you can stay ahead of things by putting things above heads. Like what? Any of a variety of bumper guards that can cover edges, corners and your ass.

The guards — that's the Type B Edge Bumper model above — are made of recyclable polyurethane foam and feature a highly you-can't-miss-it color scheme of stop-sign yellow and black. They're easy to apply: Remove the protective silicone liner and press the adhesive-backed strips onto metal or wood shelves or other surfaces. The 39 1/2-inch Type B bumpers come in three degrees of luminosity from $37.90 to $47.80 each.

Now, we're a little surprised and taken aback by this page of the company's website, which, frankly, exploits the 9/11 terrorist attack for commercial purposes. We also find it astonishing that anyone would interview traumatized survivors of the World Trade Center collapse to see what percentage noticed the company's exit-sign markings. But maybe that's just us ... and anyone else who lives in Manhattan and not Torrance, Calif.

That aside, these and American Permalight's various other bumpers can help save your staff from cuts and head injury, and surely seems an inexpensive way to show you care. Ahh, see ... you ARE protecting their hearts after all!


American Permalight Inc. • 2531 W 237th Street #113, Torrance, Calif. 90505-5245 • (310) 891-0924 • toll-free: (888) 737-6254 •


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