Avocado Security Consolidator

Dec. 4, 2009 — Is your security system the pits? Well, in that case, you might need an Avocado to wrap around it — specifically, the Avocado Consolidator from the metropolitan Washington, D.C., firm Avocado Security. And that probably sets a record for the number of times anyone's used "avocado" in a sentence.

The Avocado Consolidator is a software platform designed to tie together all your various and sundry security cameras, recorders, monitors, etc. Sometimes, say, a co-op or condo buys closed-circuit cameras from one vendor, then a year or two later gets a new elevator with its own built-in camera. Or maybe your parking-garage cameras record security footage onto a DVD, and your later-installed lobby camera records onto a DVR. Whatever the specifics, it can be challenging to manage disparate surveillance technologies and get them all to communicate with each other. Heck, most of us can't even transfer files from our phone to our computer.

The Consolidator, as the name implies, unifies all your security assets, including DVRs, NVRs (network video recorders) CCTV cameras, IP (Internet Protocol) cameras, encryption encoders and so on, into a single, centralized management platform. This means you have a single maintenance / repair log, data-storage management system and user interface. Any of us with a zillion remote controls by our couch — one for the TV, one for the cable box, one for the DVD player, one for ... what is that one used for? Is it from old our VCR we threw out? — can see the advantage of that.

So, you needn't be bedeviled when trying to pull together all your different security equipment. You know what they say: When life gives you avocados, make guacamole. Or something.

Avocado Security   11350 Random Hills Road, Suite 800 Fairfax, Va. 22030 (866) 608-1116   info@avocadosecurity.com



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