Caliber Series & Caliber Signage

In the mid-1940s, Jean-Paul Sartre wrote the classic existentialist play No Exit . You know why? Because his building didn't have any cool, high-tech Exit signs with LED edges for easy spotting during an emergency, that's why! (And don't we have a transcendent ego to use one of the great 20th-century philosophers for a joke about a building product.)

In any case, the things-in-itself here are two related lines of innovative lobby and hallway signs : the Caliber Series "Exit" signs and the Caliber Signage custom signs, the latter available in a range of finishes and whatever graphics and wording you might devise. We, for example, would like to see a lobby sign reading, "Gym and Spa >>" — which would mean, of course, that we lived in a building that actually had a gym and spa.

The Caliber brand slim-profile signs are designed to accommodate recessed ceiling-, surface ceiling-, surface end- and wall-mount configurations. The housing is die-cast aluminum, and the panel is manufactured from high-impact acrylic with silk-screened, computer-generated artwork. They're made to Underwriters Laboratories' UL-48 standard, and are IC (insulated-contact) rated and damp-location listed.

Chloride Systems 272 West Stag Park Service Road, Burgaw, N.C. 28425 (910) 259-1000 • E-mail contact form here


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