DuPont SentryGlas Interlayers

We know board members often have to protect themselves from the verbal bombs and brickbats of some of our more, um, vocal shareholders. But if your building's skylights, glass doors, storefronts or other such elements need protection from real bombs and brickbats — or even just really severe storms, like the kind we've been having lately that uproots trees — then the global conglomerate DuPont may help you see you way clear to doing something about it.

How? By introducing an expanded range of its trademarked SentryGlas interlayers

As you doubtlessly know, laminated windows are made of two or more panes of glass bonded to adhesive interlayers. These interlayers help make windows more impact- and blast-resistant than otherwise, and more soundproofed. DuPont's new additions to its SentryGlas line is available in thinner sheets than previously — yet still pretty strong, judging from DuPont's Web site bragging about SentryGlas in a commercial building in Florida that designed to withstand a Category 4 hurricane. That's not a big hurricane, but hey — it's a hurricane!

According to DuPont, applications for its SentryGlas Plus interlayers include hurricane- and blast-resistant glass; minimally supported facades, skylights and canopies; and balustrades, flooring, stair treads and, for your really fancy atrium-type buildings, pedestrian bridges. And as long as we're being fancy-schmancy, the SentryGlas Expressions line offers digitally printed, full-color imaging for this like the wall or partition at left

Yet another model, SentryGlas Acoustic, can replace "monolithic" (their word) noise-reduction glass with slimmed-down interlayers that DuPont claims reduces mid-frequency noise "by about one half."

It all seems worth mentioning to your architect or engineer if you're planning a window-replacement program, or maybe just replacing some doors or redoing the lobby. Whatever the case, the SentryGlas interlayers may might save you a pane in the glass.

DuPont Company • BMP26-2122 Lancaster Pike & Route 141, Wilmington, Del. 19805 • (302) 774-1000, toll-free (800) 438-7225 • E-mail contact form here .


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