Lennox ComfortSense 7000 Touchscreen Thermostat

Lennox International dates to 1895, when Iowa's Lennox Furnace Company made and marketed the first riveted-steel furnace (which was less likely to crack than those old solid, cast-iron jobbies). The company's right proud of that achievement, as well as of such more, um, esoteric milestones as the first "hammock-type air filters for furnaces" (1953). The point of all this is, this company knows heating and cooling — and in that trade, when Lennox comes out with a high-tech thermostat, it's like flying cars have finally arrived.
We'll all need flying cars, of course, should global warming melt the icecaps and flood the Earth. Yet we ourselves may be able to prevent this by each one of us taking more control of our energy use. The ComfortSense 7000 can help, what with its seven-day programming that lets you customize a temperature schedule for every day of the week, up to four time-periods each day. That way you don't have your apartment unnecessarily warm when no one's there, and have the heat go up automatically while you're on your way home. And in buildings with dual-fuel heating systems, this device can help increase efficiency by automatically alternating between gas and electric operation.
Just as co-op / condo boards and residents will often have new windows installed building-wide, so, too, can there be a building-wide thermostat installation. Because let's face it — there aren't gonna be any flying cars.
Lennox International • 2100 Lake Park Blvd., Richardson, Texas 75080 • (972) 497-5000 • toll-free (800) 9-LENNOX [ 800-953-6669 ]