Quality Elevator's Top-of-Car Handrail
Oct. 2, 2009 — We'd never recommend your staging your own Die Hard scenes, riding atop elevators to get to or away from bad guys — or, well, we might, but that would just invite so much litigation! — yet there will be times when elevator servicepeople may have to get up there. And when they do, you can help avoid litigation by putting a custom-made safety railing up there. Because while there may not be a lot space between the elevator cab and the walls, there's enough to get wedged in and ... well, we've all seen episodes of CSI.
These customized railings, made from 1½-inch and 1¾-inch square galvanized tubing, comply with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' ASME A17.1a-2004 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.You supply details of your elevator's openings and the handrail depth and width, and the Illinois company Quality Elevator, founded in 1983, will walk you through it — or, perhaps, ride you through it, as the case may be.
Remember, a hand rail isn't just about elevator safety, but also about the law ... of gravity. And with that law, there are no appeals...!
Quality Elevator Products. Inc. • 7760 Merrimac Avenue, Niles, Ill. 60714 • (847) 581-0085 • toll-free (800) 222-3688 • info@qualityelev.com