Tenax Stone Carpets

Remember Astroturf? Well, buildings on a budget can apply the same concept to backyards, patios and other outdoor common areas with this handy alternative to expensive landscape contractors. It's also, well, an alternative to natural products, coming as it does from the geosynthetics giant Tenax, but y'know, we're in a recession. If a co-op or condo can afford to do its green spaces in a green way, that's clearly better. But, till the economy itself gets better, all your working-Joe and -Jane buildings just trying to get by might consider rolling out the Stone Carpet.

Available in light grey, dark grey, pink (a sort of beige-y pink, not shocking pink) and sand (see below), Stone Carpet comes in 20-inch wide by four-foot long strips that you can cut and shape yourself. Using Stone Carpets also removes the hassle of loose gravel getting kicked all over the place and into the grass.

If you like the idea of interlocking, DIY landscape products but aren't comfortable with using petroleum-based synthetics in these conservation-minded times, Tenax also makes a line of outdoor screens from natural thatch, bark, fern and other vegetation.

Stone Carpet is not, by the way, to be confused with the Swedish rock band Stone Carpet (Söker Basist). You'd have a much harder time cutting and shaping them. They'd just scream bloody murder.

Tenax Corporation 4800 East Monument Street, Baltimore, Md. 21205 ( 410 ) 522-7000 • toll-free ( 800) 356-8495 sales@tenax.com

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