Take a peek behind the facades of New York’s co-ops and condos to find out who's fixing things up, and how much it costs? Articles in this section cover dozens of individual projects in co-ops and condos all over New York City. Learn how NYC co-op/condo boards met the challenges of the fix-up, and how you can use their experiences to smooth out yours.
Are you doing capital improvements at your co-op or condo? Email kfarrell@habitatmag.com or emyers@habitatmag.com to have your project included in our column.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on September 16, 2020
Miracles do happen, as this co-op discovered while fixing the parapet.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on September 09, 2020
Mandatory safety precautions are an added expense for co-op and condo boards.
Written by Alexander Zafran on September 02, 2020
Co-op and condo boards must avoid wishful thinking in budget season.
Written by Lisa Prevost on August 27, 2020
Lenders have sharpened their scrutiny since the pandemic hit.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on August 12, 2020
Bill could slash a major expense for co-op and condo boards.
Written by Bill Morris on August 05, 2020
Bottleneck from shutdown is now being unclogged.
Written by Bill Morris on July 29, 2020
Boards have until Saturday to submit their energy and water consumption.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on July 22, 2020
Pedestal paver systems reduce leaks and ease roof repairs.
Written by Alexander Zafran on July 15, 2020
Energy is not a fixed cost if boards are willing to shop for bargains.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on July 08, 2020
Brooklyn condo board plays sleuth to solve leak mystery.