Take a peek behind the facades of New York’s co-ops and condos to find out who's fixing things up, and how much it costs? Articles in this section cover dozens of individual projects in co-ops and condos all over New York City. Learn how NYC co-op/condo boards met the challenges of the fix-up, and how you can use their experiences to smooth out yours.
Are you doing capital improvements at your co-op or condo? Email kfarrell@habitatmag.com or emyers@habitatmag.com to have your project included in our column.
Written by Carol J. Ott on April 22, 2020
Payroll relief has so far been denied by the federal government.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on April 15, 2020
DOB decides, case by case, if work can continue.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on April 08, 2020
Safety precautions turn a routine capital work into a bureaucratic maze.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on April 01, 2020
Elevator work already under way can be completed.
Written by Carol J. Ott on March 25, 2020
What co-op condo boards can expect while the city is on “pause.”
Written by Bill Morris on March 18, 2020
Board exercised its right of first refusal on an under-priced unit.
Written by Bill Morris on March 11, 2020
Air conditioning and lobby renovation bring shareholders together.
Written by Bill Morris on March 04, 2020
An ingenious two-fer: board covers parking lot with solar panels.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on February 26, 2020
Board decided to re-do all 160 elevators once, and re-do them right.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on February 19, 2020
The hardest renovation jobs are the ones that require subtlety.