Take a peek behind the facades of New York’s co-ops and condos to find out who's fixing things up, and how much it costs? Articles in this section cover dozens of individual projects in co-ops and condos all over New York City. Learn how NYC co-op/condo boards met the challenges of the fix-up, and how you can use their experiences to smooth out yours.
Are you doing capital improvements at your co-op or condo? Email kfarrell@habitatmag.com or emyers@habitatmag.com to have your project included in our column.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on April 05, 2017
Automated parking systems could be major revenue stream for co-ops and condos.
Written by Bill Morris on March 29, 2017
Boards defend a tool that prevents speculation, enhances stability, and raises money.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on March 22, 2017
Affordable HDFC co-op learns a lesson about the pitfalls of going it alone.
Written by Bill Morris on March 15, 2017
One expert believes co-op and condo boards need an impartial third party.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on March 08, 2017
Queens co-op revives a dormant solar project.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on March 01, 2017
As the scope of a capital project grew, a co-op board adjusted.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on February 22, 2017
Getting rid of a garage operator brings a windfall to a Queens co-op.
Written by Lisa L. Colangelo on February 15, 2017
“Milestone” capital projects under way at nation’s oldest limited-equity co-op.
Written by Marianne Schaefer on February 08, 2017
Payrolls could rise at co-ops and condos with non-union employees.
Written by Ron Egatz on February 02, 2017
Building Operator Training Program aims to cut waste, improve efficiency.