Written by Bill Morris on December 21, 2020
Sen. Charles Schumer’s goal is realized in the new $900 billion stimulus bill.
Written by Amy Sara Clark on December 18, 2020
Survey reveals boards’ chilly feelings about the pandemic’s economic fallout.
December 15, 2020
On the table are maintenance increases, assessments, looser rules.
December 14, 2020
There are new ways to show gratitude for staffers' service during the pandemic.
Written by Jonathan Vatner on December 11, 2020
It's time to reward building staffs' year of courage and sacrifice.
December 07, 2020
Boards cannot require shareholders to get authorization for guests.
November 27, 2020
Boards are facing a distasteful choice: impose assessments or raise fees?
Written by William D. McCracken on November 24, 2020
The coming holidays present yet another series of trials to overcome.
Written by Bill Morris on November 20, 2020
Co-op and condo boards learn that their diligence has its limits.
Written by Bill Morris on November 19, 2020
Hell’s Kitchen co-op works hard not to become a holiday hotel.