Founded in 1987, RAND Engineering & Architecture, DPC is and over 100-person New York City firm that designs, specifies, and administers programs for building repair, upgrade, restoration, adaptive re-use, and new construction. Specializing in residential co-ops and condos, our expertise includes NYC's Facade Inspection Safety Program (FISP) and parapet inspections; exterior repairs, roof replacement, and window and door replacement; heating, plumbing, and electrical upgrades; architectural design and ADA compliance; feasibility studies and plan reviews; structural engineering, garage repair programs, Periodic Inspection of Parking Structures (PIPS) per LL126/21 parking garage inspections, and retaining wall inspections; Jersey City Ordinance 21-054 Facade and Structural inspections; building surveys, reserve studies, and condominium offering plan reviews; energy benchmarking, energy audits, retro-commissioning (LL84/09, LL87/09), and Local Law 97 of 2019 greenhouse gas emissions reduction compliance; green roofs and recreational roof decks; and historic restoration. RAND also has a Building Design Group, an Industrial Rope Access Team, a Drone Team, an Infrared Survey Team, a 3D Laser Scanning Team, and a Code & Zoning Compliance Team, and is a Special Inspections Agency.
Stephen Varone, AIA, President
Information on building repair, maintenance, upgrades, and project management.
Video presentations on building repair, maintenance, upgrades, and project management.
Since our founding in 1987, RAND has worked on more than 16,000 projects at over 5,500 residential, commercial, and institutional, and retail properties. Click to see a select sample of some of them.
RAND answers commonly asked questions about building repair, maintenance, and upgrades in Habitat Magazine.
As a multi-disciplined firm, RAND’s expertise in both engineering and architecture enables us to provide a full range of services for residential, commercial, and institutional properties. Click to learn more about our capabilities in evaluating building systems and designing and administering repair and upgrade projects.