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Board President dutiesSep 17, 2024

I am the Board President of my coop. Can I do a walk-through with a potential contractor and request a bid to present to the board?

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Board President duties - Steven424 Sep 17, 2024

It sounds like the contractor will be doing work in a common area. If so, not only is it appropriate, but pretty much required. Someone from the board should always accompany any contractor on walkthroughs and other contractual interactions. The board represents the co-op corporation and has a fiduciary responsibility to protect the co-op in areas like structural and financial.

If you're new to the board and especially new to being president, I urge you to get in touch with CNYC (Council of NY Coops and Condos) at They are the go-to organization for all issues relating to coop governance and management. They have a wealth of practical information available online and offer a full-day seminar for new board members. I urge you and your other new board members to look them up. I cannot speak highly enough about the work they do and the assistance they provide.

The very best of luck to you!

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