New York's Cooperative and Condominium Community
Do you own Habitat? if not ,don't clog up the board with your trolling remark. If Habitat wants to remove it , they will, that is their call. She makes a lot of sense if HFCD are that corrupt, especially since it is taxpayer monies. If even a portion is true as far as self dealing and all that other stuff, it should be welcome here.
It seems that HDFC have a whole diffferent set of laws and rules, but this doesnt sound like correct action, since i would guess tax dollars have paid for a lot of this, therefor it should be held to a higher standard in this time of fiscal responsibility.
I guess the attorney general wont bother with it, they are pretty worthless on regular co-op law violations, even though they signed off on the conversion.
Try Help me Howard. if he is still on or one of those other media people. I am starting to write to local media too, see if they want a story. leaning to wnyc,no advertisement money to interfere. I already wrote them, if you have crazy problems that should be taken care of by the AG, write WNYC too.
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