Here is this issue's table of contents , followed by links to original, Web-exclusive features and selected adaptations from this month's issue.
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▶ License to Paint
New lead regulations mean hefty fines.
▶ Board Lives
President Carol Rosenberg, 3 East 69th Street
▶ Face-Off
Boards vs. developers: two properties, two strategies
▶ Elevating Elevator Power
Energy-saving regenerative drives
▶ Unfunded Mandates
New rules increase costs
▶ Talking Points
Gossipmonger or whistler-blower?
▶ When E-Mail Turns Toxic
E-mail warnings
▶ Case Notes
A dog wins.
▶ Board Talk
Talking about leaks
▶ From the Editor
What to do if she’s not there
▶ Endpaper
Board President Jeff Mar