’t bite. “Nobody wanted to tie up their money that long, so we had to make the loan more appealing,” Tait ...
Shareholders loaned money to their co-op so capital projects could get done without outside
to raise more money, how to deal with angry owners, or the best ways to work with a building's accountant ...
A property manager's theft insurance will not always protect a board when the manager steals money.
under way. And it will not only fight climate change but also save money on energy bills, according ...
A new study reports that electrification will cut carbon emissions, save money and create jobs.
companies – an attempt to stop the laundering of international money from illegal sources. Then came ...
Money laundering through all-cash purchases of New York City condos just got a little tougher.
. “And I wound up saving them a good chunk of money. It was a challenge, but I’m very proud.”
Alas ...
Co-op board saves big money by using its super as project manager.
into their deal that they need to borrow more money to fix something,” Niland says.
Experts agree that most New ...
A long-range capital plan costs money that many boards don't want to spend. They could be making
. “Nobody had bothered to see where that money was going. But if you can save just 1 percent on a big ...
By monitoring its electricity usage in real time, a co-op board was able to save money
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Co-op and condo board business broken down into bite-sized bits - 2 stories each week. Read now on all digital devices.
Learn all the basics of NYC co-op and condo management, with straight talk from heavy hitters in the field of co-op or condo apartments
Professionals in some of the key fields of co-op and condo board governance and building management answer common questions in their areas of expertise
Then don’t miss a beat! Stories you can use to make your building better, keep it out of trouble, save money, enhance market value, and make your board life a whole lot easier!