It was a house divided against itself, but now, through planning, perseverance, and pluck, the shadow over Nostrand Gardens has finally lifted.
It was a house divided against itself, but now, through planning, perseverance, and pluck, the shadow over Nostrand Gardens has finally lifted.
Is a condo flip tax possible?
A sponsor’s neglect allows a co-op to deteriorate for years. The story of how the co-op got back on its feet after regaining control.
What to do if the super becomes handicapped.
NYSERDA offers a new program to encourage energy savings.
How your board can come up with a pet policy that satisfies pet owners and their non-pet-owning neighbors.
A co-op in an uncivil war: the story of two boards and a commercial agreement that became a serious problem.
Proposed: an onerous admissions law.
A board director discusses his experiences after eight years on the board.