It’s important for boards to know that it’s OK to hit the reset button when a capital project gets bogged down.
It’s important for boards to know that it’s OK to hit the reset button when a capital project gets bogged down.
We must show everyone why they need to attend.
The board was setting aside the co-op’s rules to either benefit or essentially punish some members of the board.
By prepaying 10 months of common charges, owners get a break.
The balancing act of living with her folks and renting the condo solved the problem.
A one-stop shop for flood expertise.
There are a lot of politics in being a good neighbor.
What I found shocking was that the designer objected to everything.
Whatever is cutting-edge today will be the norm in five years.
Use the value of your property to fund capital improvements.
Yet another new necessity.
Sometimes quality of life is more important than the bottom line.
Using a professional who knows the ins and outs of the process is a tremendous help.
Go out and get actual bids on long-term capital improvements.