Check your bylaws and lease for internal inconsistencies and conflicts with the law, then explain the documents to shareholders before revision.
Check your bylaws and lease for internal inconsistencies and conflicts with the law, then explain the documents to shareholders before revision.
What does it mean when a board cannot act “unreasonably”?
When building policy blocks a desirable apartment sale, boards might be able to work around restrictions.
Fighting over a commercial lease.
What constitutes “prompt action” when it comes to unit repairs?
Can a co-op make a rule to stop new shareholders from subletting, but keep the old policy for current shareholders?
Keeping detailed records will help your board should an amendment be challenged.
Technology and the law – two big reasons for revising your proprietary lease.
If terrace doors are not mentioned in the proprietary lease, who is responsible for them?
A co-op attempts to restrict access to the roof to shareholders who are entitled to its use.