When commercial owners aren’t paying their fair share of maintenance, boards can’t afford to let imbalances go unaddressed. (Print: Checks and Balances)
When commercial owners aren’t paying their fair share of maintenance, boards can’t afford to let imbalances go unaddressed. (Print: Checks and Balances)
Small, locally owned businesses are increasingly being priced out of their neighborhood due to high rents, and landlords must find ways to maintain a long-term relationship with their tenants to avoid losing control of their space. (Print: We Are the Landlord)
Commercial leasing issues are affecting co-op and condo budgets. Options include using reserve funds, temporary assessments, and potential maintenance increases.
How one board got the most money from a commercial tenant post-pandemic.
Make sure commercial tenants are paying their share of any Climate Mobilization Act retrofits.
Commercial tenant rent is a complex negotiation.
Love 'em, lose 'em, or partner with 'em.
Condos may be undercharging commercial tenants.
Commercial tenants don’t have the same responsibility to your building, which means you need to stay on top of them.
When a sweetheart lease is transferred, the board should look for new opportunities.