Appears we have a broken main gas line coming into our building. This could turn out to be very expensive and may take several weeks to resolve.
I think we should get bids, however management company says there is no way of bidding project since it's unclear exactly what the problem is or the scope once job starts.
Our agent indicates the job will be billed on a time and material basis. However, I'm very concerned about giving a contractor the job without any control of what final cost may be.
I know there is no easy answer here, but any suggestions?
Kudos to Sen.Liz Krueger, she certainly understands co op condo issues. Her bill to prevent short term stays in co op/condos and the current one to get some oversight for us show that we have a true voice who speaks our language. Perhaps, if we as owners begin to put pressure on our elected officials, we will finally be able to have an agency to help us in our times of need. If we want change we have to join forces and exert effort. Again, thank you Senator Liz Krueger.
Dianne Stromfeld
We have eight Board members, five are friends and relatives and three are independent Shareholders for the betterment of our coop. We recently got a $1.00 per share assessment raising 98,000 this was after we took out half million dollar mortgage refinancing and had 244,000 in reserve for construction which didn't come nearly close to that figure. Now we have 177,000 in reserve (we think), and have shortfalls in our monthly financials. This $1.00 per share (98,000) was given without reason. Now these five want to install an intercom system requesting and threating for Shareholders and tenants to give them our private home telephone numbers to hook up to the intercom system. I refuse to give anyone my private, unlisted number to these people, that didn't get any other proposals nor did they disclose how much the system will cost the building. They did the same thing with the construction job, no bids or proposals, we could not trace how much they spent on the project because when the Shareholders did an audit at the Managing Agents office, we audited the operating account and saw that not one check was written out to the construction company that two Board members are associate with. We figured out that they attached a checking account to our reserve account which was not in the possession of the managing agent, nor could we trace the checks. Our problem is that the shareholders election is overdue and they refuse to wait to install the intercom after election. The only reason I alledge they are rushing this job is for the kick backs. Do we have to give these people our private telephone numbers which is unlisted? why can't they find a another system that does not require private telephone numbers. I believe that our constutional rights are being imposed upon, they are threatning that we will get fined if we don't give out our numbers.
Hi All,
I have two questions:
Question 1 -- FIOS /Fiber Optic Cables – We have a request by Verizon to run Fiber Optics through our building to another building to upgrade their Cell Phone Tower (AT&T owns it). That said, this fiber optic cable could eventually be used to wire our building for FIOS, though not happening right now. Should there be any compensation to us? They are talking up the good neighbor angle, but we don’t get much benefit… What are your thoughts?
Question 2 – We have a contract with T-Mobile for our Cell Phone Antenna, it expires next year, and we plan to renovate the roof so the equipment will come down. What’s the best method to solicit other Cell phone tower companies? I am told by T-Mobile they would be willing to pay almost double the current rate to remain our provider due to a good location, unobstructed signals and a larger roof, still want to see what else is out there. Any thoughts?
Thank You all in advance for any comments and thoughts.
Here's a new situation: Our co-op has built a wheelchair ramp in the rear of our building. We are not a new building. There are regulations for new construction that signs must be posted showing where the wheelchair ramp, or handicap access is, on that new building. So in our case, for example, a sign would be installed on both the front and back of the building, to aid people who otherwise don't know about the ramp, to show that the building is accessible.
Some on our Board adamantly don't want to install signs giving these reasons: (1) we're a residence not a commercial building; (2) we are not a nursing home; (3) if a person using a wheelchair is visiting, the handicapped person will be told in advance about the ramp.
Others on our Board say we should respect the dignity of the handicapped and post the signs, and since we've just spent thousands of dollars on the ramp, and we ought to let people coming to the building know about it.
The City on the Commission of Human Rights was consulted and gave us guidance to post the 2 signs, even though the code is for "new" construction.
What would you do? Many thanks.
Anybody know something about that company.Look like that not very honest.
We had annual meeting. Two previous members of the board try to get back, but they do not get enough votes, so they put togezer all what they hat and one of them get in. Is this legal to turn people votes to other person without notifying voters?
As a former Board member and one who has witnessed first hand unwarranted and nuisance lawsuits by shareholders against shareholders and shareholders against the Corporation and Board of Directors, I wholeheartedly support the legislation for creation of an Office of Ombudsman. Every single legal action was a waste of money and time by board members, management and attorneys. The only winners in every one of these cases were the attorneys who collected the fees at the end of the day. Everyone of them could have been settled through an impartial party reviewing the corporate papers and existing documents that pertained to the individual cases. Six dollars per apartment ANNUALLY is nothing compared to the thousands of dollars wasted each year by coop and condo corporations and shareholders.
Think about: who wouldn't want this legislation passed? Good Boards who can now settle nuisance complaints without incurring legal fees? Good managers who can resolve issues between shareholders and/Boards without expending precious staff time? Shareholders who have legitimate complaints who can now go to an impartial third party without having to take out a loan against their apartment? Get this legislation passed ASAP!
Our coop building board recently raised the sublet fee to 100 dollars to shareholders in our coop building who're renting their coop. They say it's because of property taxes but the building is secure financially. Last year a sublet fee raise in the coops in our building was 55 dollars but 100 dollars just like that to me is questionable and I would like to ask if it's lawful. The coop board like in every building has absolute power but what happens when they do questionable things? One hundred dollars for sublet fees to shareholders who're renting their apartments doesn't sound lawful to me. Can you shed some light on this issue????
Regarding Coop embezzelement I am of the opinion that you are taking a cheap shot at Anrew Kissel as he is dead. The industry is full of board members (current) who rob openly and management turn a blind eye as they are afraid of loosing the account.
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Your Agent is right.
No contractor can give a bid since he does not know the extent or location of the damage/repairs.
Inquire about the hourly rate per man the contractor charges and have your superintendent supervise the repairs / keep record of time worked ( and number of worker ).
Good Luck
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