In transition from a major managing company to a better one: do you know how the documents (kept in the offices of the managing company) get transferred and which are the time rules of the archives?
I worry that they could be difficult in giving us the full documentation....
We live in a very Pet friendly building, (and want to stay that way) but some of the owners have become a little too pet-friendly, and are housing between seven and ten cats in one bedroom apartments. One owner has four dogs.
We are reworking our old house rules, and we want to limit the number of pets and have other rules. Do any of you have this in your house rules? Suggestions/Experience
1-Limit the number of pets to Three is the way the Board leans. But, we have a least one owner with a very large apartment, with three cats and two dogs, which is very reasonable.
2- Once we limit the number, (3-5) do we have a legal right to force owners to get rid of thier pets.
3- In the future is it possible to actually enforce or monitor the number of pets in an apartment.
4-limit the number of dogs (2) and cats (3)?
I've just become board treasurer for our small coop--and we've never had a treasurer who did anything,ever, so I'm trying to set up some systems for how much reserve we should have, how we'd build a fund for capital improvements, basic financial reports for the board, etc. Is there a good book about coop finance or article that someone can recommend with some basic guidelines? Thanks.
Our super just gave us 2 weeks notice.
Does anyone know where I can find supers looking for new positions? or does anyone know of any supers looking for an upgrade?
When you are putting out RFQs or RFPs for contractors to bid on work for your building, how many different companies do you ask for bids from? What do you consider the minimum number of bids the Board has to have to be able to hold a meaningful vote?
Our coop owns several units in the building (we got them when the sponsor defaulted in the 1980s). They are currently being sublet to rent regulated tenants. When units become available, we sell them. This periodic inflow of cash is great.
One of these units is under contract to sell. The time has come for the Board to review the application and interview the potential purchaser. Isn't it a conflict of interest for the Board to vote on his approval, because we inherently want the unit to sell? Or is it enough that we are balancing our interest to sell with our interest to have good paying tenants?
Have any of your buildings ever had problems with old vault spaces under or directly adjacent to your basements? Were there every any problems with the City wanting to use/or change the dimensions of the vault space? If so, what happened?
I was asked by some one... Where can I obtain information about the "quiet enjoyment" rule of a shareholder in a New York State co-op set-up. A good definition of the term "quiet enjoyment" would also be apreciated. I'm also interested in information about the business corporation law portions which deals with rights of shareholders in a NYS co-op. I know the by-laws of the coop would have these, but need the actaul law.
With great thanks
Our co-op (condop)initiated fees payable to the co-op and to the managing company for any alterations in one's unit. I think the managing company is double dipping. Their fee is paid via monthly maintenance and now directly from any alterations. Why does the managing company needs to be paid on alterations wanted by a shareholder? Greed besets.
Our condo building continues to have problems with a renter whose 2 dogs are not house-broken and who are rarely taken out. As a result, horrible smells daily fill the hallway. The owner does not care. There have been many complaints. The management company, under pressure, sent a registered letter a while back to the tenant and owner with a fine attached. what is the ongoing responsibility of the management company vs. the board? Does NYC code address this at all, and if so, in which section?
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First thing is their is no such thing as a better company... they all offer the same promises!
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