We live in small 12 unit coop. There's seems to be from time to time new faces with luggage entering the building. When I questioned this once I had management ask the suspected coop owner for contact info in people staying in apartment. Coop owner became irate, angry and demanded name of person wanting this information. This owner btw is a lawyer and has a history in building if suing people, board and starts campaigns against people complaining about him. He's trouble.
Building has been clear about airbb and also has a guest policy (register names with management).
I still suspect something is going on bc still see people coming and going with suitcases.
How can this be handled. ESP, with someone who claims to be victimized?
I agree with Steven that you need to remove yourself from the equation. The board should send him a friendly "reminder notice" that guests of his unit need to be registered for safety and security reasons and to reinforce the Rules around Airbb.
If it continues, that is when I seek legal to send a letter.
thank you. after several lawsuits and an overall "objectionable behavior" from the guy I have learned to keep my distance. one must always be very cautious when expressing concerns about the guy's behavior and seeing that he follows the same rule as everyone else. the biggest problem is the guy demands to know who is complaining! at first the board was speaking to him but some members broke the confidence and gave him names or in the bare minimum told him who "wasn't" complaining. this time i went to management. definitely the better way.
i guess I'm also asking how does a small building deal with such a guy. what he does is he personally goes after those questioning his behavior or actions in the building. he'll do this by making complaints about them, causing board and management to go after them. vicious cycle. i don't even engage with the guy at this point...mostly in fear. i feel i shouldn't have to live in fear!
In my building the super is hired for the express purpose of harassing whistle blower owners to leave.
Fire the board that hired the Super
Steven424, your advice sounds good but unfortunately you cannot "fire the board". In a co op you have to take legal action called a shareholders derivative action which if i remember correctly, takes a one third vote of shareholders and then go to court. This is a lengthy and costly procedure. It might be a good idea to form a shareholder association and have them come together as a formal group and approach the board with their concerns. You need a few activist residents to start and head this, but it is relatively easy and costs nothing except perhaps printing or mailing costs.
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Have the board president contact the Co-op attorney pronto. That removes you from the equation and the board's attorney will know better than any non-attorney how to handle this. Especially if the potential opposing party is also an attorney.
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