We are a 10 unit coop in Tribeca. We would like to know what similar buildings pay for a part time super and what services are performed.
Thank you
How many part time Supers get free rent and free parking? I don't see that in your link regarding Supers salary. Our Super is part time and gets free rent and free parking.
I don't know of any superintendents that are p/t and get free rent (and parking).
Let's assume that the value of their rent is equal $1,500 per month or $18,000 per year and that your super fits into the median salary range of $49,930 which includes the unit estimated at $18,000. That means that the salary paid is $31,930 or for p/t, 50% of that or $15,965. If the super is only part-time but lives on premise f/t and is therefore expected to be "on call" full time, you need to pay him for this too.
Actually our Super has a night job away from our building and is not available by any means from 10:00pm through 7:00am. So he's not 'on call' most the time. He gets a $605.00 per month cash salary, free rent, free parking, and free phone. Usual?
A parking space and phone are "usual" so I would not add those into the equation. I think your salary is on the low end (based on industry stats) however if your arrangement works well for you and the super, then I would not be concerned.
A property's needs, and expectancy, is ultimately how to determine what you should be paying for a Super.
Most buildings that are 10 units don't need a Super and hire a janitorial company, that offers a la carte handyman services to fill the void. If there is an issue with a boiler its best for the building to have a dedicated boiler company that can guarantee services.
If you need any additional guidance, feel free to reach out to me directly. RolandoV@Clean-Habitat.com
I hope that was helpful.
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This is a recent (Oct 2016) pay scale of superintendents, New York (cut & paste into your browser): http://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Building_Superintendent/Salary/5c8ed29a/New-York-NY
You have to decide what are the key duties that you want a part-time super to perform and have them focus on those duties. For job duty examples, I suggest you Google the recruitment service Indeed and review the superintendent job postings to see job duties for other buildings then pick the duties that are most important to your building.
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