When a coop has a policy in place for many years has worked well and now it is being looked at so that a board member can trump the original policy - i have concerns. Lets say that the current BM wants a parking space as we require SH's to have 80% carpeting installed and that was hte criteris for all. Now the carpet requirement is to be removed so that BM can get the spot-Smells funny! Question: should the new policy apply to all on the list going back to #1 on the list or does it start, conveniently with the BM?
Our condo board has three times submitted an amendment to obtain control over who owners rent their units to. Three times this amendment was denied by owners. Now management has submitted a memo stating that they must be notified if an owner decides to either sell or rent his/her unit. Management now also requires being notified of the real estate broker involved. Further management wants to be notified whenever the apartment will be shown as “this will allow management to have a better idea about when strangers will be walking through the building.” Since management doesn’t question when health aids and cleaning people walk through the building and prospective buyers and renters usually come with real estate agents who vet them prior to coming, further they must be over 55, my question is – is management overreaching since this matter has been voted down three times? Management goes on to say “these new policies are being implemented for your benefit.” The reason it was voted down is it’s because it’s not for our benefit but a power play by the board to make owners afraid not to vote for them.
When will coop's and Condo's get help to restrict the power the Board has over Shareholders? These horror stories are getting out of control. The Courts, politicians and all government agencies know about our horror and do nothing. Some people have no choice but to live in their coop and condo envirnment because they cannot afford to live elsewhere, what happens to them? What protection do they have, Board members go around threatning Shareholders, change rules with tighter restrictions to intimidate Shareholders into voting for them, this is a crime not to have a legal vote, it takes away their constitutional right and democratic rights. What a shame this is allowed to happen in a free,democratic,capitolistic country such as ours. I thought things like this only happen in a totalitarian county where dictators make all decisions as the Board of Directors depict in their actions. Why can't this be stopped communisim is certainly controlled.
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I never tire of ready these posts. I have been in real estate for 40 years and love learning about the creative ways people dream up to beat the system. First, I can't understand how carpeting and parking spaces are paired. But that is another issue. To change rules to benefit a BM is certainly improper. Your question about where does it begin is the real dilemma. Were there residents who requested parking and didn't have carpeting? They should probably get first consideration. Then, how about all the money spent for carpeting simply because they wanted parking? Can they demand a sum fromt the board? Frankly, this whole issue sounds strange. But, no matter, rules should never be changed solely to accomodate a bm, manager or anyone else in a position of authority. Also, it might be a good idea to survey the community or ask for a vote. Residents do like to be included in decision making.
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