a annaul meeting by-laws change didn't pass, however since they counted the proxys and votes, they must have made the quorum of 2/3's
The president and MA said they are going to send out a second notice and another proxy to people who didn't return the proxy.
my observation is if you counted the votes and saw you lost your wanted by-law change, than the board doesn not have the right to carry out a second vote to only select people. They are saying they re only sending it out to shareholders that did not return a proxy.
i have never seen a vote where, a quorum was reached , and they lost their vote , but decided to try and swing the vote by sending out proxies again, but not to everyone.
They also let a non shareholder attend the meeting, gave in a proxy for someone, but he was also going through the proxys and votes on the voting table directly in front of the MA.
I know he had no business being up there, he could hand in a proxy, but that was it , looking t the votes and proxys was way out of line and the MA should have done his job, since he was acting as voting secretary.
Also the non-shareholder was the president son. How should i write my complaints, since i do not like this voting and the fact that no one will be there to watch anything, as it will be not at a annual meeting as it should be.
Under certain circumstances, meetings may be "held open" rather than adjourned, & a typical reason is to allow further solicitation of votes on an important issue, instead of starting the voting process anew. Procedures would have to be carefully followed--& it sounds from Escape's description that at least some aspects of the election were quite sloppy--but it can be done. We don't have enough info to conclude this action is improper.
well we will see how this pans out since it will all be kept secret , if i am not there i cannot challenge the proxy, and i know i know more about this than anyone on the board or managing agent. The board refuses to do their due diligence and listens the falsehoods/lies/ sprouted by the managing agent. BOD refuse to read the proprietary lease even when i disagree and can name the page and paragraph of the proprietary lease. The president likes to play the "your the only one with an issue" And i say yeah, there was only the one guy in boston had an issue with bernie madhoff. I am sure they passed it. What can i do the wholw board doesn't have a clue on what their job is , and they just act like pupetts. Hopefully the AG will act on my letter, next it is media.
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Your board can only attempt to pass the amendment by way of an extraordinary or special meeting and by sending to all shareholders the proxy and the amendment they wish to enact in order to submit their vote and make the amendment legal if the majority or supermajority (accordidng to your By-laws) becomes the winning faction. There is no way the prior vote + new proxies provided to the Board can be acceptable.
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