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different tactics May 06, 2013

realizing that the law is meaningless.since the AG refuses to enforce the state BCL's. The price to hire an attorney who normally work for the opposition, and want to dwindle your money on everything but the real "hang your hat on issues" that could result in a victory for the shareholder, such as fraud,knowledge of fraud by the BOD and refusal to act, same with self dealing, and with both the MA and MC are in cahoots,or refuse to act when they witness these actions at annual meetings.
Looking for other methods as the FBI did with al capone and tax evasion
is STAR tax credit allowed if the shareholder does not live there? I will be checking into all this and also write off if you do not live there? I also will be checking into real estate agents proper legal duties when involved people do not recuse themselves from meeting relating to letter of complaints concerning their dealings.get a paper trail with the real estate department and see how they act to real estate agents acting as secretary refusing to do anything when non shareholders manipulate papers on the table containing the election papers and proxies. Maybe find a federal loan that due to the owner occupied ratio would take it out of the AG and to the state and also contacting the banks directly by letter, stating that the owner/occupied ratio provided to them is /was fraudulent. i think i wlll kust bring the boad to court pro se concerning the by laws ans the illegal changing of it and hopefully get the lawyers name that said combining our votes for one candidate was now illegal per a new state rule, Probably be better in the media and guaranteed to get the bars interest .

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different tactics - Stephanie May 07, 2013

The Star credit and the others - Senior Citizen, Veterans, etc are not allowed unless the apartment is Owner Occupied - and next year even the Coop/Condo will be reduced by percentages and then be 0 if the apartment is not Owner Occupied - I would really like to try anything that could help shareholders be treated correctly because that is definitely not what is going on now - Definitely the Senate and Assembly bills would help, but they have been there for over 10 years and can't get passed - I have tried practically everything , the AG, the DA, our State Senator, Assemblyperson, letters to practically every agency and nothing has worked. I definitely believe in would be wonderful to get the media involved and tried many, many years ago, the problem again is how many people will be willing to participate and say that there is a problem in their coop, especially the upper Manhattan Owners; yes they have the same problems as we but they definitely do not want publicity unfortunately for their coops and they have the money to hire the lawyers and solve the problems- Stephanie

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