two questions. we have "directo" voting (below) and nothing in our prop lease about how a person can get their name on to the election ballot to be a board member (director): 1) how can a person put themselves up for election on the rinted proxy that comes a few weeks before the election?
With direct voting each shareholder is permitted to vote his total number of shares for each open seat on the board. A shareholder with 1,000 shares in the co-op would be able to cast 1,000 shares for each open position.
help. need the info. It may be that the slate presented on the printed proxy is only the current board that is running for reelection. need help!
We send out a preliminary letter telling shareholders: 1) they'll receive an annual meeting notice as required and 2) to contact our mgmt office by "X date" if they want to run for the board so their name can be put on the proxy which will be mailed with the meeting notice.
Sometimes the letter says anyone who wants to run should send in a resume by "X date" but adds that a resume isn't required to run, and all resumes received will be mailed with the meeting notice. This is a good idea if it's been a very contentious year, if there are many new shareholders or if you have a big building.
The proxy includes names of everyone who indicates by "X date" they want to run. At the meeting, anyone can announce he's changed his mind and isn't running if he wants to. If any proxies are mailed in voting for him, those votes are not counted in the tally. Also note that anyone is allowed to run for the board at the meeting even if they didn't tell the mgmt office in advance or send in a resume.
Not easy , why not try what most do, tell tall untrue tales about your opponents. That should get you on, and when you do get elected prove how good you are by working real hard
and they will all love you for it. Next year then you will be a shoe in. Good luck.
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