New York's Cooperative and Condominium Community

Habitat Magazine Insider Guide



Two floods in his penthouse apartment inundated elevator shafts, hallways and other apartments.

Denial of support animals — parrots — plus retaliation bring co-op massive fine.

Co-ops and condos are taxed as though they were market-rate rental buildings.

Governing documents tell who's responsible for fixing building flaws.

Boards need to remain vigilant even as Local Law 18 curbs illegal sublets.

In Manhattan, 63.4% of sales in the first quarter were all cash, the third-highest in a decade.

The board can amend the lease to include late fees and seek possession in housing court.

Smart technology releases heat only when needed, reducing waste.

Cash sales accounted for 63% of deals closed, thanks to high interest rates.

Angry unit-owners seeking new board and $50 million in punitive damages.

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