a porter accused a resifdent of staling an object of his. It had no basis in truth. how to handle? This porter has many comliants against him.
Newlt elected board pres and vp, both of which were vp and treasurer have permitted the managing agent to assemble the agenda and run the building as if presiding, resulting in nothing but BS and now reasonable and rational policies that served the corp well for many years are being reviewed, changes proposed to benefit themselves and their interests. How does one stop/slow it down?
We have several residents that have requested a lock box outside of the building to house a key during certain times each week - Friday night until Saturday night.
Has anyone experienced this request or have thoughts around it?
We have no doorman, cameras, or any other control device in place today. The requesting residents confirm they will manage the key etc, but still not sure.
Please forgive me can we put Opera Lady "in a home or out to pasture". While I occasionally read what she has to say I personally believe this so called character has an axe to grind with the super. Time to move on, as almost every post is about the super. How about a board member or agent not doing there job (I guess that never happens) yeah right...
Local Law 84?
Does the below offer sound reasonable, and does anyone have any information on the cost of this service?
Our Management co has informed us that buildings over 50,000 sq ft have to report energy usage to the city. Reporting must be performed through a federal government computer software program, and must be done by May 1st of 2011 and then every year on May 1st moving forward.
Our MangCo has offered us a deal in which, for $400 per year, a leading New York City energy company with expertise in this new requirement has agreed to include an additional service in their per-building fee. In addition to filing an accurate and timely energy benchmarking report, this company will also provide an Energy Score card that will enable each property to track its own energy data and compare it to substantially similar properties. This will assist with budgeting and with planning green and sustainable projects for our client properties.
Anyone have any info? Thanks, HG
our late fee is outlined in the prop lease as being based on a maximum legal rate of interest (16% or 1.5% a month). However, our board changed it to a higher rate (without a shareholder vote) and claims it is OK because they only charge 5% per month and do not compound. IE if you owe $1000 per month and do not pay for 12 months they only charge 5% or $600 and is therefore less than 16%. This math/logic does not seem correct - comments?
Can a condo owner take a condo association to nyc tenant landlord court for noise problems due to no carpeting in unit above? There are no 80 percent carpet rules in the by-laws, surprisingly. The complaint is footsteps on the wooden floor create a noise nuisance in the unit below it. Is there protection/recourse under multiple dwelling laws or peaceful and quiet enjoyment provisions? Thanks.
We are a co-op with a sponsor who owns 30 units out of 350. One of the sponsor's tenants is suing him for apt. violations, which include outside water penetration through the walls and windows and possible leaking pipes in the walls. We are not named in the lawsuit yet, and wondering can we be? How would we go about dividing up the cost of repairs to the facade and windows?
We are considering a Sheriff's sale for a condominim unit. Has anyone done this? How does it differ from a foreclosure? What are the costs involved? Thanks! --Janie
Just curious as to how other boards keep records. I became President about 8 months ago and I'm literally up to my eyeballs with paperwork. The previous board did not have a system at all in place and our former Managing Agent stole from us, so it is important to keep records.
I am storing things electronically (and keeping backup), but in terms of hardcopies of copies of contractors and invoices from contractors, etc., I feel like my apartment is being overrun by co-op documents.
Another thing is many people on our board are not big computer users and I'm concerned when I step down, whoever takes the reigns may complain they can't access anything because they don't have great computer skills.
Any suggestions on how to better organize will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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There are good and bad Management companies, but the bottom line is that the Management company works for and takes direction from the Board. Legally the Board will be held responsible for the decisions made, contracts signed and monies spent.
The Board/Shareholders have a financial interest/investment in the building -- which is not shared by the Management. If the costs go up, maintenance raised -- or your assets mismanaged, the Shareholders pay -- not the agents.
Again, ultimately the Board is responsible: This article in the Times (a 7million loss for the coop) is not about a bad management Co. – but (as they admit) lazy Board members – which seem to be where you are heading:
The Email Trail: Email/the Internet, is changing the accountability of both Board members and management Companies. Never forget, this is your money, your investment:
Transparency works. This will not make you popular but start the Email Trail by documenting: EVERYTHING! Do not accuse anyone of anything or make personal slights – but ask business-like questions.
Store Emails. The Email trail will protect you and Board members who care -- from being accused or sued. (Use a Gmail account, in that your Emails are easily retrieved, and will be stored) Also, collect the Email addresses of other concerned Shareholders and keep them informed.
If you are told Board discussions are secret and should not be shared with the S/H -- this is one of your biggest clues that something is wrong. (Certain personal or financial discussions are confidential)
Be Informed: Get a copy of the Building/Management contract. Although it was forbidden in the contract, we discovered that large checks were being written without board approval – (Catch 22) since no one objected – they did have board approval.
LL11/Major repairs: Although Board members are generally not engineers/architects – common sense is often more valuable: While reviewing the engineers recommendation/report for a major repair of the façade ( with a walk-though), we discovered big-cost items we did not need, and overlooked work that was visible to the naked eye. (After you begin the Job, a “Change of Order” adds up to big bucks).
Also, don’t necessarily rely on the expertise of ONE board member. This “rely on the expert”, cost the Coop in the Times article millions. Another Coop discovered that the resident expert Board member (an architect) – had included in the cost of LL11, the steel structures for a greenhouse to be built onto his terrace. This was discovered by non-professional Board members reading the reports/engineer recommendations. Common sense works!
REVIEW (vendors, engineers etc) Contracts and start going over the financials --especially payroll. For Example: After a year with a new agent we discovered a payroll increase of appox 50,000: the new Management did not keep a (legal) pool of non-union workers to fill in for vacations, sick leave etc -- and we were paying full union wages/benefits for overtime. Keeping this pool is extra work for the Agent. Cost are going up, but check out the building supplies – especially if there was a change in vendors or the way supplies are bought. If something does not sound right – plumbing cost, replacement of windows etc.etc. – dont be embarrased --- ask questions -- its YOUR money.
The Property Agent/Management Co. is as good as the Board demands: Property Agents are generally honest, but are overworked/underpaid and don’t have time for personal attention.
We are on our way to recovery, it has not been easy but we now have an involved Board and a Management Company that is working with/for us. VP
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