If the option presents to separate your DHW load from your heating load it is an investment worthy of consideration. Frequently, the required MBH to meet the DHW demand of a building is only 25% or less than the boilers MBH rating. Thus, if you are firing at 100% a 5000MBH boiler just for DHW you are literally pouring money down the drain. On average, a 1000-1500MBH DHW system can meet the demand. This enables you to turn off the monster boiler 5 or 6 months per year and generate DHW using about 75% less energy....and the DHW boiler will likely not have to operate at 100% capacity. It's a worthwhile investment to consider.
a annaul meeting by-laws change didn't pass, however since they counted the proxys and votes, they must have made the quorum of 2/3's
The president and MA said they are going to send out a second notice and another proxy to people who didn't return the proxy.
my observation is if you counted the votes and saw you lost your wanted by-law change, than the board doesn not have the right to carry out a second vote to only select people. They are saying they re only sending it out to shareholders that did not return a proxy.
i have never seen a vote where, a quorum was reached , and they lost their vote , but decided to try and swing the vote by sending out proxies again, but not to everyone.
They also let a non shareholder attend the meeting, gave in a proxy for someone, but he was also going through the proxys and votes on the voting table directly in front of the MA.
I know he had no business being up there, he could hand in a proxy, but that was it , looking t the votes and proxys was way out of line and the MA should have done his job, since he was acting as voting secretary.
Also the non-shareholder was the president son. How should i write my complaints, since i do not like this voting and the fact that no one will be there to watch anything, as it will be not at a annual meeting as it should be.
Here's the bottom line on all #6 conversion projects; if is far better to convert to natural gas on a firm rate than #2 on a duel fuel rate.
Apples to Apples based on 50,000 gallons of #6 Oil: A conservative per gallon price in 2010: $2.50. That's $125,000 spent on fuel oil. 50,000 gallons of #6 is equal to 70,000 therms of gas. At $1.15 per therm you would have paid: $80,500. If you burned gas instead of #6 oil in 2010 you would have conservatively saved $44,500.00.
This $44,500 would have paid for 100% of 80% of all gas conversion proposals generated by the Platinum Energy Group in 2010. Thats a payback of 1 year. If you can find a traditional investment option (stocks, bonds, savings account) that offers a greater return than a #6 to gas conversion project please call me.
NYSERDA still haas funding available for those multifamily buildings that are interested in converting from #6 fuel oil to #2. The incentive is not huge by any means...the lionshare of the money went to #6 to gas conversion yet that money has already been distributed.
Conversion to firm gas if possible is the way to go. If the choice is a 3,000 to offset cost of 6 to 2 and nothing for 6 to gas you are better off going to gas and forgoing the 3 grand.
Our board is wondering whether to find information that speaks to how many people -- extended family -- can live in a duplex condo apartment. Are there NYC laws governing the number of people who can live in a condo they purchased?
What have coop's been using as a minimum down payment percentage? 10-15-20?
In a few years, the rental lease for our garage ends. It is large enough to rent spaces to the public. We know that there are generally three options: rent it out again; hire a management company to run it for you; Run it yourself. We are interested in the last two options.
Does anyone have any perspectives in either running it yourself or hiring a management company to run it for you?
We just submitted a proposal for a complete boiler room retrofit project for a multifamily building with 150+ units in Yonkers. The project scope includes: a complete boiler room retrofit with separate DHW and Building Energy Management System. Con Edison's Commercial/Industrial program is offering an incentive of approximately $50,000.00. This will ensure that the entire project cost has a simple payback of 36 months. This insanely rapid payback has caused an issue: the board now must decide between financing the project or simply drawing on their accumulated capital reserve. It's a nice situation to be in.
almost everyday for a few weeka now i have been smelling the high sent of marijuana coming from the apt next to me. I have notified my co-op anonymously and nothing has been done i still continue to smell this sent. What else can i do?
should different co-ops and departments have a different pitney bownnes number.
if a managing company manages 6 or moreco-ops has a real estate sales department not connected to the co-op,should the pitney bownes first class mailings from each have different account numbers stamped on the envelope?
how would they get the correct yearly postage if they didnt?
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Your board can only attempt to pass the amendment by way of an extraordinary or special meeting and by sending to all shareholders the proxy and the amendment they wish to enact in order to submit their vote and make the amendment legal if the majority or supermajority (accordidng to your By-laws) becomes the winning faction. There is no way the prior vote + new proxies provided to the Board can be acceptable.
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