We are sub-tenants and have recently started being harassed by the super who is also the President of the Board. The super has a personal problem with us and it all started when our toilet overflowed, he became very annoyed with us. We paid for the repairs for the apt below us and a few weeks later he sent us House Violation fee of $350 dollars saying we neglected our bathroom and we should have known there was an issue. We contested the fine and since then the harassment has started. He is now trying to have our landlord evict us because he claims we are "undesirable tenants". Can i sue him for harassment and Libel. I have all his slanderous words in writing. He also wont allow us to have a board meeting to state our side. What is the next step after they take our landlord to court?
since the MA refuses to record the minutes and provides erroneous info, and the president uses the minutes as his bully pulpit. If one ask for the old timers to make room in the storage area, which the president has 80 to 90% of, he will villify the persom in the minutes and the shareholder will not come to the meeting again.
when i was asking financial questions that are within my right , the president was ready to jump over the tables and attack me and threaten me from the dias.
i want to videotape, with a full size camera , attached to a chair , so that it is not in the way .
it is my bldg. i videotpae police in the street from public property, i know those laws.
i know real estate agents are, which , i believe the MA is also. Are managing companies licensed?
The owner of the managing company refused to speak to me about an approx 27k dollar zero drop mistake and other irregularities.
The MA constantly lies/provides false info, he will give the same proven fraudulent info to two different shareholders a couple of months apart.
so this is not a mistake or misread
i found out that a recently deceased officer of the bod, one that i had faxed a request to have removed from office due to her homophobic hare speech comments she made about a recently resigned long-term treasure, who also happened to be my neighbor,and her fabrication of negative comments that she said i made to her regarding my garage neighbors. Luckily my neighbors knew me from before they moved in the bldg, so they questioned me about it, and i saw that she was trying to place a divisive wedge among neighbors, we got along fine.
For over 20years she has not been paying sublease fees, carrying it as unsold shares, however it was a non eviction plan, she evicted the current resident,the tenant told me about it, i think they set her up with bad legal, i have to find out her name.
She moved in one daughter and husband , and i think another daughter and husband, over 5 years of occupancy by family members.
in the proprietary lease and ib the by laws there are many stipulations, if one of your family members moves in it is no longer unsold shares, a holder of unsold shares cannot evict tenants to place themselves or their family member in apartment/
she was also mother in law of the bod pres, and she bought at least after the conversion plan was in effect for 5 years.
she may have even bought from another unsold shares owner in a back room for all i know
out managing company in cooperation with our super controlling board president,who does not share any of the financial info with the BOD, yet they refuse to ask the fiduciary questions and do their due diligence when i have asked them questions as to who has check signing powers, what bank our maint monies go to. it was changed to an account at a po box in long island, yet we live westchester and the managing company is in westchester. I questioned how the voting was changed at the last annual meeting,yet it was never in the minutes.For the first 15 years we were able to combine our votes for one single person. We never had the special notice as in the by-laws, and tomorrow the president wants to lower the board members two people,since his relatives passed away and he may lose power.also in BCL 610 for election officers is their any specifications on conflict of interest? these BCL are hard to find.
For the last 15 plus years, anytime the president or his mother in law ran for reelection their wife and daughter was appointed the election official.
the management company for the co-op refuses to provide th BCL specified shareholder list and the contact info for the BOD , many of the BOD do not live in the bldg,some never did, and per the proprietary lease should not have been allowed to buy.
To top it off the managing agent states he refuses any further corresponds from me.
Two years ago i successfully got the shareholder list from him , despite his BS, arguing the BCL provisions, 3 months later a neighboring shareholder was told they were not allowed to have the list.
at least 2 apartment s have sold and since the president has turned the building into a rental, about 50% owner occupied from 80% at conversion, i want to know who owns those two apartments. I guess i will have to knock on the few BOD that live here doors whenever i have a question or issue with the board. i prefer to not bother people personal space, and a fax or phone call /email is less intrusive.
In revisiong the sublet policy on a an original PL, do we need to create a new PL or is there a legal procedure to change the policy with an addendum. Also what form would it take and where would it be physically placed in the PL
Con Edisons Multifamily Energy Efficiency Program (MFEEP) is offering one of the most aggressive incentives in the country for the implementation of a Building Energy Management System in buildings with less than 75 Units. The MFEEP incentive covers 70% of the total project cost up to $20,000.00. The average systems cost between $24,500.00 and $34,500.00. Thus average out of pocket for management/ownership is between $7350.00 and $14,500.00. Payback is less than 24 months and incentive is issued within 60 days of verified installation. Yearly energy savings range between 15 and 25%...depending on an assortment of variables. There is NO other investment that offers returns that are as high as investing in energy efficiency.
our prop lease says sponsor may renovate his apartments but must follow all city codes. He is not doing this and has some violations. How can a coop force the sponsor to follow city codes?
A recent article in HABITAT's June issue said that FANNIE MAE backed lenders won't finance underlying mortgages where sponsors own more than 10% of the units in a building. Our 32 unit co-op in Brooklyn needs to refinance to pay for several capital improvements, including a new boiler, but the sponsor still owns 6 units (only 2 are rent stabilized, 4 others he rents at market rate). Any advice on how we can force sponsor to sell 3 units to get us below 10% and would his listing for sale of 3 apts be in compliance with the FANNIE MAE guidelines
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Is your landlord a sponsor of the building or an individual shareholder? If the landlord is a sponsor, you may persuade the sponsor with a responsible conduct that you are a good tenant (e.g., making timely payments, responding to the toilet overflow and paying for the damages, showing respect for house rules, etc). If you are the tenant of an individual shareholder and the pres. says you must go, then pack your bags and go! Your lease may not be renewed.
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