Endless bad luck turned this building into a community.
Endless bad luck turned this building into a community.
City Councilman Peter Koo is helping out his co-op constituents.
As small-cell technology advances, boards’ income will be affected.
There are four main issues that boards need to keep in mind when planning capital improvements.
Some boards are hesitant about revealing their inner workings to Habitat and the outside world. Not this one.
Do not underestimate the importance of planning for major capital improvements.
How does New York’s unique Scaffold Law affect a building’s insurance?
The Scaffold Law guarantees a safe place to work for contractors and workers.
Protect your building from unexpected capital costs.
How should a board approach an exterior restoration project?
Caring for your covered parking garage may not be fun, but it is critical.
Balancing income against expenses is what you'd expect from your accountant, but tax planning is what you should be asking for. Particularly if your co-op or condo is expecting a surplus.
How can you use a line of credit to fund capital improvements?
Got a roof leak? A contractor might say to you, "No problem. We'll just replace your roof." That's a solution, but a very expensive one. A better bet - use infrared.
Boards should learn to keep their problems small and in front of them.